If you want B to love you for the rest of your life. Purchase the Super Allergy Girl Cookbook by Lisa Lundy. Turn to page 310 and bake the most wonderful gluten free chocolate cookies ever! EVER!
B had his first cookie in 6 months. To say he was excited is an understatement. He helped me with every spoonful of palm shortening, every scoop of gluten free flour, every chocolate chip (okay, so he ate more than he added). When I added a tablespoon instead of a teaspoon of baking soda he said, "Mommy, sometimes it's really okay to make mistakes." We put the batter in the refrigerator to chill for an hour. Every eight minutes he came into the kitchen and said, "Are my cookies ready?" He watched the oven as they baked. When the timer went off and I did not hear it because I was in the bedroom, I walked out to little man with two oven mitts on his hands and the oven door wide open. (Don't worry. We had a very detailed discussion about the difference between mommy jobs and kid jobs.) I told him the cookies had to cool. He told me he thought they were cool enough. Some lessons are learned the hard way. I gave him a warm cookie. My child with sensory issues chewed that hot cookie quickly trying to avoid its heat. "It's good, Mommy! It's not hot." Little concentrated frown on his face. I think he ate 5 over the course of the evening. I think I ate three. shhhh....
I'm sure this multiplied the yeast in his tummy exponentially. We finished with a probiotic chaser. I'm hoping they battled it out and the probiotic won.
I told B these cookies were so good because he is a real chef and when real chefs help mommy, the food is always good. B is not lacking self-esteem. He nodded his head, pleased as punch, and said, "Yeah, I'm a real chef."
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