Four years ago tonight, I couldn't sleep. I knew I was about to set eyes on my baby boy for the first time. I imagined his eyes, his nose, his fingers, his face. The anticipation was intense. I knew my life would change. I knew I loved this little person more than my own life. I. could. not. wait. to. hold. him.
At 2:50 pm on June 23rd, my little monkey arrived. Exhausted after 3 hrs of pushing, I held him in my arms. He looked up at me with his squinting blue eyes. And I thanked God. Although I imagined him, my mind's image did not even compare this child's beauty. He was/is a miracle. I peered into his little face and said, "I'm your momma." I can still remember how he felt, cheek on my collar bone, curled up into a warm little ball of new life. Kisses, a million kisses on his soft downy hair.
Someone once told me, a child told me, "He's going to touch a lot of lives." And he has and he does and most of all he touches their hearts. What a blessing this sweet boy is. What an absolute gift from our Heavenly Father. Happy birthday B. I love you more than you will ever comprehend. You, child, are so very special to me.
Elana’s Passing
We are very sad to share the news that Elana passed away on February 8,
2024. It is a traumatic and tragic loss for her family, friends, and the
entire ...
18 hours ago