I haven't blogged for a while. We've been so busy and just emotionally tired, that the bare minimum has been getting done lately. I shouldn't say 'bare minimum' because school is now in session! We are in week four of Kindergarten at home. B is really flourishing. He counted to 25 and can read the words, CAT, SAT, COT, and AT. He can match all upper and lower case letters and is working on writing his numerals. Also, he is learning many Old Testament stories in the Bible. Jilly is learning to count and has really picked up the days of the week in Spanish. Singing everything is key to Jilly's learning.
We are emotionally spent because our hearts are heavy. Erik's dad is battling cancer. It's a tough, tough fight. We all love him deeply. The kids are crazy about Papa. He is such a huge part of our lives. He and Nana have done so much for us. They are always there to offer encouragement, hugs, laughs, support. B likes to go down to Papa's gym and 'work out.' I think back fondly to a 2 year old B with one pound weights watching his Grandpa's every move and imitating with a "One, two. One, two." Papa holds the kids in his lap and reads them book after book after book without once seeming bored to tears. Jilly absolutely adores him.
Erik has been tremendous through this fight. His honor for his parents leaves me praying that our children will be as honorable as their Daddy. He is this way because that is how his parents raised him. I am eternally grateful to them.
This week, we told B that Papa is getting ready to go to heaven. It was a hard conversation. B teared up and said, "But I'm going to miss him." He's had a lot of questions this week. Tonight, he asked, "Mommy, is there a pill Papa can take to get rid of the sickness in his body?" I answered, "The doctors have tried everything they could. We can pray for Papa." I then explained that in heaven Papa will get a new body that doesn't hurt anymore. He immediately folded his hands and in a sad little voice said, "Dear God, Please heal Papa. But if you want him in heaven, then go ahead." What a selfless prayer for a little guy. He is torn up about losing his Papa, yet prayed for God's will to be done. All this time I've been struggling with how to hand everything over to God and my five year old little blessing showed me how with his hands folded.....crying out to God.
Prayer is very much appreciated for Brice (B's Papa) and Karen (B's Nana) and our whole family. Thank you friends.
Elana’s Passing
We are very sad to share the news that Elana passed away on February 8,
2024. It is a traumatic and tragic loss for her family, friends, and the
entire ...
18 hours ago